UPDATE UPDATE UPDATEAROONY saturday morning 10 am
thanks for all the good thoughts. it worked!!!!! we have accepted an offer!!!!!
the good part...no contingencies other than the usual inspection and financial stuff.
the more difficult part...30 day escrow. pack up and be gone in 30 days.
________________________________________________________we're in limbo here. not the theological Catholic limbo of dead souls unable to progress to heaven because, well, ask a priest. we're in the limbo of "house for sale." a very neat and tidy place, which is a good thing, but this limbo isn't very homey. no leaving books and papers and camera and binoculars and computers and yesterday's mail on every horizontal surface. and shoes, oh, we have shoes, garden clogs, hiking boots, work shoes, sneakers, thongs, and each sort has a proper use and so should be handy by a door to outside. no half an apple or banana on the cutting board. no bag of peanuts or potato chips on the counter. and then there are the bedroom and bathroom. oy. no pile of stuff on my clothes dresser. no clothes on a chair. no chair either!
so we spiff up the landscape and go walking, both of which are good. at least playing on the internet is only messy in the mind. bits and pieces of all sorts of interesting stuff from all of you and others. we've become caretakers of our own house, having already surrendered ownership to commerce. as nothing, save the two constants of cliche', death and taxes, is certain--we have planted peas, carrots, beets, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower. and the garlic we planted last fall is eight inches tall and looks marvelous.
Friday morning at 10:00 am PDST, a couple is coming to look at our house again. We think they must see what we see, and like what we like. The question is, will they like it enough to make an offer? It's a buyer's market, as they say, so we are feeling hopeful but cautious. In the interest of science and influencing outcomes with positive thinking, all you readers out there, send your strongest and best "
BUY THE HOUSE" VIBES. And, we'll let you know how it goes.

Other than that, we're being treated to a typical pacific northwest spring. That means unpredictable weather and minus tides. You know how happy that makes us, well at least the tides part of that. We love walking far out along the sandy beach where the bay waters usually roll and lap. It was quiet on Wednesday when the tide stretched all the way to a -2.15. We saw these snails, which we had not seen before. They were in a zone where we usually find large barnacles. We also discovered this little unearthly looking skull. Oh yes, Virginia, there once was an ET.

It's amazing how happy these little things make us. We skip along like children.
Speaking of skipping, I received the test results on the metabolics and Vitamin D lab tests. Everything looks incredibly good except for the the Vitamin D. The normal range (at the lab that ran the tests) is 32 - 100. My level is 13.7. Ouch. In the meantime, I've learned that walking is not enough to really help my bones, I need high impact exercise, like skipping or jumping rope. I was instantly reminded of my life in the 80s when I was a die-hard aerobic exerciser. Roger ripped an old Jane Fonda work-out disk for me, and I've been hopping and skipping, lifting and kicking for a few days. I'm surprised that I can keep at it for a good half hour without dropping dead. I've also increased my Vitamin D intake. Never google Vitamin D and read the varying and wide-ranging opinions about it, if you want life to make sense. The opinions range from conservative (800 iu a day) to ultra-hippie anti-aging nirvana (2000 iu or more). It occurred to me that, philosophically, I am not anti-aging in the least. First of all, I think it's impossible not to age, and second, why not age? It's what we do here on earth while we're breathing and eating, sleeping and blogging. My doctor recommended 800 iu. Most everywhere else recommends more. I'm doing more, but not as much as the people who want to live forever recommend.
Anyway, that's where things are at the moment. Please remember to think positive thoughts about selling our house. Let's try to influence outcomes, okay? Hey, did you notice that Roger wrote the first part of this post? Hey, Rog! Welcome back.
Have a great weekend, friends.
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATEAROONY saturday morning 10 am
thanks for all the good thoughts. it worked!!!!! we have accepted an offer!!!!!
the good part...no contingencies other than the usual inspection and financial stuff.
the more difficult part...30 day escrow. pack up and be gone in 30 days.