We have moved into our temporary digs in Eureka. It's a two-bedroom place that is a cross between a sterile hotel room and a comfy home, although erring on the side of sterility. White walls, fake art (is there such a thing as fake art, yes, I think it can be so argued). Still, we are comfortable. We've brought in a few of our dishes, our pots and pans, our wooden-handled serving spoons from Thailand. Little things make a big difference, like the photo of an eagle tucked in the corner of our bedroom mirror, a piece of cloth brought back from Spain by dear friends placed on the dresser.

We are exploring town, mostly looking for parks and trails. Luckily there are interesting places to discover, like this little gem Sequoia Park. Right in town, by the little zoo, with a very nice stand of old-growth redwood. It is always a profound experience to walk in a redwood forest. These ancient, giant, living, breathing trees seem sentient with thousand year old stories and a venerable presence.
(That's Roger reading a plaque on one of the trees. Click to get a sense of the size.)
We are a mile from Humboldt Bay and the Pacific Ocean. We like going to the Arcata Marsh after a trip to the post office and food co-op. It's how we stay connected to the tides, and see swallows, goldfinches, egrets, and herons. We're always hoping to be surprised by something, and were amply rewarded the other day when an American Avocet played hide and seek with us. A truly
beautiful bird.
(That's the American Avocet giving us a look over.)We did not buy the environmentally green house, but we did make a wonderful, warm connection with Becky and Brian. Enjoyed a fine barbecue with them the other night, met other enlightened locals, and immersed ourselves in the ambiance of our new home town.
We've been in Humboldt County for nine days. We've had dinner with Roger's daughter Indigo four times. It's truly the best of times. It's why we came.
Have a great weekend, friends.