A lizard wrecked my whole weekend. It's true. I left the slider open for the cat Saturday morning, and a lizard came in and found its way into the kitchen. There it stayed, hiding in the space between the dishwasher and the cabinets. A place in the kitchen where we walk, as it turns out, very often. Too often for a lizard to feel comfortable enough to move more than an inch or two before running for its life back into the dark space. It's mostly a waiting game, but I find that it unnerves me to have an animal in the house that does not want to be here and is living in fear of us. I suppose it will find its way out of here, but at this moment, I feel like taking that dishwasher, WHICH WE NEVER USE, and ripping it out of the space. No more hiding, lizard. JUST GO. Please.

In other news, we didn't have any more snow this week. Did I mention that for my 59th birthday, my twin brother and his wife came up from Santa Cruz? We celebrated our birthday together. The highlight was a surprise snow last Sunday morning (May 15th). They loved it, and were even inspired to build a little snowman. We, of course, had had enough of it, but were glad for them and their enthusiasm.

Then the weather warmed up and after another 1 1/2 inches of rain, we were able to plant some fine tomato, pepper, and basil in our freshly rototilled beds. Roger has a few new toys, I mean work tools, at his disposal: a tractor, a rototiller, and a cart that the tractor pulls. It's made our lives much easier. We're pretty sure that the snow and frosts are behind us now, but to be perfectly honest, we are a bit wary. We're planting slowly, knowing that the growing season will take us long past the autumn equinox. No hurry.

Still, all the springtime creatures have sprung up from their winter sleep. Everywhere, everywhere butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, and a zillion different kinds of bees and wasps. The sun and warm temps put a joy in everyone's step. How can it be that we're only one month away from summer solstice? Spring, we hardly knew ye.

Post Script: And on the day of the Rapture, these two were completely enraptured.