I wish I could tell you how hard it is to photograph rainbows rippling endlessly across a flowing river. I think these picture convey that difficulty.

We were supposed to get up early Tuesday morning to meet our new geezer hiking group for a major hike in the high country. We didn't.

Oh yes, we woke up early enough, but rushing around to go for a hike just didn't seem the right way to start the day.

We anguished about it because we love that our neighbors invited us on their Tuesday geezer high country hike, and we felt like total jerks for not showing up.

But it occurred to us that one of the things we love the most about retirement is that we don't have to leave the house at 7:40 am to do anything. EVER.

And our consolation prize was this: a hike on the south fork of the Yuba River. It was such a beautiful day there at the very end of summer, even if I couldn't quite photograph the rippling rainbows.
PS: That's me trying to do a Betty Grable pose. Oh well, the fun is all in the trying!