my brother and his wife, who live in far hawaii, read our blog and sent us a care package to give us a lift from enduring all this northwest cloudiness and cold. it's really been fairly mild here but weather is relative and they are on kauai, the garden isle.

you may be able to read some of the letter in the picture. the little jar at the top is orange marmalade with vanilla bean. the baggie contains dried banana. the little jar below the bananas is product my brother makes which he calls "feeling good." it is subtitled chocolate-kava-delight and contains organic kava root, organic cocao, hawaiian honey, and vanilla extract. very tasty, and mildly relaxing. the brownish nutlike things are roasted cacoa beans (chocolate) and the dark ones are roasted coffee. the other thing is a little psychedelic fan, with little lights on one vane. there will be a picture below demonstrating it's use.
my amazing brother grew the coffee and the cacao beans. the bananas are from plants that were there when they moved in. he has managed to turn his interest in growing exotic plants into a business. check out
kavakauai. go to "services" on their home page and click on "about us" for a picture of our benefactors

here the pirate gazes intently at the whirling lights, while being refreshed by the gentle breeze.

these are cacao pods. they grow right out of the trunk of the tree.

brother's hand holding cacao beans fresh from the pods.
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