Like over the weekend when there were warblers everywhere. Yellow Warblers, Wilson's Warblers, and warblers we couldn't identify. (Click on the pics for the bigger view)

On Tuesday, we had dear friends from Santa Cruz visit. When we went into the yard to show them the lilac we had transplanted, there was a bobcat sitting among the lupins, as close to our house as one has ever been. It was 2:00 in the afternoon. It slipped away quickly, but then stopped to look back at us, before disaappearing. We thought about looking for it but assumed it was long gone. A short while later, I saw it once more sauntering along the fence without a care in the world. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a bobcat run. They seem to be very laid back little critters.
Unfortunately, no pics, just a nice moment for us and our visitors.
So, what have you been seeing lately?
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