We are always zooming by on the highways and interstates when we see Red-tailed Hawks on poles. We can't stop, and can only acknowledge them in a blurry haze of speed and destination. But luckily for us, my sister asked us the other day to go look at a house and some property in our general neck of the woods, and we obliged her by driving over with the camera and taking a look around.

Oh yes, the place she is interested in is quite beautiful, like a park of rolling hills with oaks and Acorn woodpeckers. On the way back, on a lazy and lightly traveled country road, we spotted this hawk on a pole. We had to stop, right there in the middle of that road to take a good look. I opened the passenger car window, leaned out as far as I could and took a few shots. It's something I've been wanting to do for all the thousands and thousands of miles we've traveled.

This hawk let me take several shots, and then flew off in search of peace and mice. Out of my focus, but definitely in its own. Just as it should be.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, friends.
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