Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: The Early Summer Edition


  1. I can almost hear the buzzin'. (The hissing of summer lawns?)

    Is that a dragonfly? What an amazing photo!

  2. The top photo is a male Widow Skimmer (a dragonfly). Second photo is a Clearwing Moth. The fourth photo is a female Widow Skimmer. I am blown away by her golden color.

  3. Wonderful photos, Robin. It has been cool to watch how your photography and insect identification knowledge have become so sharp over the past few years!

  4. Wonderful insect shots but really liked the shot of the coyote on a mission.

  5. Dragonflies are so beautiful this year: electric blue, gold, black, bronze and bright red. I think it's because our small pond has finally become ecologically self sustaining. Wonderful pic!

  6. Reminds me of the old song, "Sleep Kentucky Babe." I'm ready for summer.

  7. Second clutch for the robin?

    Never tire of pics of the dragonflies, and thrilled to find the same species looking exactly like they do on this coast! That isn't always the case.

    The sphinx moth..what do you know about it? The last one you posted was green. Is this a different species, or the same species, different sex, or same species, different age....?

  8. I wonder if that coyote was the one that got Moose. Was that pic taken along the road as you enter your property?

  9. Hard to leave a wordless comment, except to say "ahh." Beautiful forms.

  10. Yes, I agree with jivas--after your post about Moose, you do have to wonder about that coyote...

    Lovely shots, tho!

  11. Such crispy sharp shots!

    I really need a new camera!

  12. That Robin one is cool - looks so ambitious!
