basil and tomatoes, the same plants pictured last month. that's a yardstick propped up behind the plants. may was a very wet month here, double the average rainfall. we set tomato starts out in the weather last week. they are alive, but not yet growing vigorously.

love the greenhouse
lettuce, marigolds, carrots, and beets. off to the left in the other bed are red bell pepper starts from seeds from actual red peppers from the grocery store and creole tomato starts from seeds from a friend in louisiana.

garden in june
from the foreground: russet potatoes, garlic, bush peas with flowers and pods!, carrots and eggplant, blue potatoes, white potatoes, and yet more garlic. the mulch in the bed to the left has carrots, squarsh, basil. unseen to the left in that bed is kale, broccoli and beans.
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