in the midst of a midwinter warm spell our need to grow food rose up enough a month and a half ago to spur us to dig a ten foot by 15" x 15" trench and line it with chicken wire, a must-have defense against gophers here. we planted seeds for carrots and beets, and sets for onions and shallots. two weeks later, too lazy to dig more trench, we resorted to planter boxes for kale and spinach and odd containers for tomatoes and basil.

of course the weather cooled off. the seeds sprouted after a bit but grew slowly. the tomato starts seemed stuck in time. then the uncertainties of global weather change kicked in and early summer returned. everything has responded well to several days of extra high temps in the middle of a sunny spell. and now we are back to spring fog and drizzle.

one of those tomato plants has flower buds. we hope it doesn't rot in the fog.
i may get to see all my siblings together, a rare occurrence. the brother from kauai and his wife are in san francisco now doting over their new grandson. the brother from lake chapala, near guadalajara, in mexico arrives by air sunday evening. we'll dunk him in bleach and ammonia and alcohol. our sister lives near grass valley and will drive down sometime next week.
robin is working this week, filling in at her old job at ucsc while her former boss is away so i'm the blogger.
update..... kauai brother and spouse arrived sunday afternoon. he and i went to san jose airport and fetched chapala brother sunday evening. we imbibed and indulged and still all retired early. wonderful to see my two brothers together. sister arrives wednesday.
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