So I was brazen enough to declare that life was sublime on Wednesday. Then Roger woke up Friday morning and really didn't feel well. He's not sure what's up, but says he still wants to take the morning hike anyway. He spots this little fawn in the woods.

But even before the hike is over, his energy is waning. When we arrive back at the house, he crawls into bed and pulls the covers over him. He feels chilled.

I had already called the doctor to make an appointment for the afternoon. Something is really wrong. Still, the butterflies and moths are flying around the yard as splendidly as they did the day before.
The doctor examines Roger and says, "You need to go to emergency, you have an abscess that requires surgery right away." Oh shit, we say. Friday afternoon is spent in the emergency room with ensuing lab tests and CT scans. He is admitted and surgery is performed Saturday morning. Our good friend Tara comes to stay with me, so I won't completely lose what's left of my mind. The surgeon wants Roger to stay until Sunday, just to make sure everything is okay.

Which it is. Everything is really okay. But shit. Enough already.