Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wordless Wednesday: Protecting Birds
Monday, August 30, 2010
We Even Had A Thunderstorm!
We noticed that the cooler temperatures and gray skies brought out a lot of hungry birds. The hummingbirds were really in fine form. We have seating for 14 at our feeders, but twice that number showed up. It was truly a mob scene. I had to shoot this little video of it.
The cooler temps got us out on the trails too. We got to see some new wildlife,
and this American Rubyspot damselfly (not sure about the ID, bugguide is working on it).
And you know how we always love a very nice pile of fresh bear scat. This one was remarkable for its size. Sure wouldn't mind seeing (from a safe distance, of course) the bear that left this.
Life is happening fast and furious these days. We've got plans in the works to build the sauna before winter, and then some time later to build the chicken house. Our big chore though was to get the raised beds ready for our winter garden before Roger starts chemotherapy on September 7th. Much to do, but we always try to make time for a good walk and a post on the blog.
How are you guys?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
two kubotas, no waiting -- with update

our neighbor larry has 2 kubotas. different tractors for various jobs. one has a nice powered augur for digging post holes, but it has no way to exert the downward force required to drill into very dry soil. so i am piloting the other kubota and using the front bucket to press down on the augur on the other machine.

success!! all holes drilled and only a few mistakes on my part. fortunately these are very robust machines.
i suppose i should have mentioned the garden fence project. about 300 feet of field fence to enclose an ambitiously large garden space. well we don't have to fill it all right away.
these tractors go forward when a foot pedal is depressed. backward when a different pedal is depressed. the forward-going pedal is close to the brake pedal. not a problem when stepping on the brake in error. a bit of a collision when stepping on the go pedal at the wrong time. thus my appreciation for their robustness.
i have put up a fair amount of fence. this is the first time the post hole digging has been mechanized.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Neighborliness of Tall Grasses
The interesting thing, in writing this post, is trying to determine which grasses are native here. I've discovered it's much easier to identify a bird than it is to figure out what kind of grass we're actually seeing. A whole new world has opened up, and it's going to take some time to see what should be encouraged and what should be yanked. We'll definitely keep you posted on this project.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
wordless wednesday

ok. almost wordless
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Looking Up and Looking Down

Some of the meteors we saw were mere hints of moving light, but others took our breaths away and made us giddy, like kids. "Oh wow, did you see that?" "Whoa, look over there." Whoosh. Gone. Neither of us can remember when we first started loving August for the chance to see the Perseid showers, but it's from very early on in our relationship. We've been out under the stars everywhere we've lived, but have not seen showers like these before.
The night here is very dark. We could see the dustiness of the Milky Way directly overhead. A single planet shone in the southern sky. I was reminded of the different skies I've seen over the years. How a mere handful of stars dots the skies of southern California on the clearest nights, or how the millions of stars in a prairie sky shine with such depth and multi-dimensionality you can get disoriented and feel the planet actually spin beneath your feet. Here there are plenty of stars, but less of that awesome depth. The lights of Sacramento 60 miles away must leak into our darkness.
We stare up for as long as we can (it's 4:00 in the morning!), saying we'll go back to sleep right after the next one, and then the one after that. Pretty soon we really are sleeping, and the meteors go on flying over us, even when we're not looking. That's what I would paint, if I could.
1. Top pic taken off the internet without permission. I could never get a shot like this.
2. Roger stood in the Yuba River to get this shot. There were so many of these 12 inch fishes, and they were curious about him and fearless.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
the right place

shortly after we moved into our newly purchased house fedex delivered a large package clearly addressed to us with only a return address of home depot. we opened the package and found a very nice unassembled teak garden bench. following the well done directions i soon had a fine bench sitting in the garage. we did get a message from a dear friend in santa cruz admitting that it was she who sent us such a fine housewarming present. we didn't yet have the garden where we wanted to put the bench so it sat in the garage for 2 months while we were distracted by clearing some trees and then cancer.
we had moved a backless bench down to the pond to sit on and contemplate bugs and fishes. then we realized that the teak bench would be much more comfortable. daughter indigo carried it down for us on my birthday.

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Life At The Moment
1. Top pic, an Acmon Blue (Piebejus acmon). I have always wanted to photograph a Blue like this, with those great orange spots. There were a lot flying around, but not many landing. It took a while to get this shot.
2. A Sulphur (of some sort). I have always wanted to photograph a yellow butterfly. We don't see very many Sulphurs, so this was quite an exciting find.
3. A Skipper (of some sort). I love the eyes on these butterflies. So very big for such a small thing.
4. A Blue-tailed Dragonfly. Always a thing of beauty. (UPDATE: THIS IS A WIDOW SKIMMER! THANKS TO JIM MCCULLOCH FOR THE INFO)
5. Roger's 68th birthday is this Tuesday, August 3rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, honey!!
thanks to you all. i have been sustained and heartened through surgery and recuperation by such wonderful messages of support.
happy birthday to you sylvia. thanks for showing the way.
Blue Butterfly,
Yellow Butterfly
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