Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: Almost Famous

Monday, August 29, 2011
our hopscotch relo from port townsend to grass valley, via arcata and santa cruz, meant that we missed 3 years of gardening. we have a grand garden this year and we are relearning several things. like; don't plant too close, how many tomatoes can we eat and freeze or dry, how many basil plants can we use, and again… how much room does a pepper plant need?
not to complain tho. we have chard, kale, string beans, zucchini, tomatoes of several sorts, onions, lotsa basil, carrots, yellow summer squash, delicata squash, butternut squash, watermelons, cantaloupes, tomatillos, beets, potatoes, corn, peas, chives, and something i've forgotten for sure. (it was the red peppers)
we do have the usual difficulty with wanting to eat everything our plants give us. there is no way to grow just enough. that's what the compost pile is for.
and next year....... chickens!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Our Day In The High Country

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Where Have Those Bums Been?
No updates. No word. It's as if we simply disappeared off the face of the earth. I wish I could say we've been out doing very cool and exotic stuff, but the truth of the matter is we've been here working in the garden, taking our local hikes, baking bread, installing a new water heater, eating homegrown cherry tomatoes and basil, and goofing off.
I haven't had a recurrence of that seriously horrible headache (YAY!), but my neck is still an ongoing pain, which keeps me from doing any birdwatching or looking up at anything. Check out that crazy x-ray. I swear I curve the wrong way, and my vertebrae are getting mighty close together. That explains a lot, doesn't it? Oh well, it's a really good thing that very cool critters stay close to the ground.
Like this tree frog that was hanging out on a butternut squash leaf. A pretty good camouflage from a distance.
And this skipper that was hanging out on the potato flowers. Macro photography is so good for seeing things my eyes never catch. A lovely shiny golden antenna on this butterfly.
The California Sister butterflies have made a very robust emergence this year. We're seeing them everywhere. Always nice when they land even if it's just for a minute.
Okay, so it's not such a great thing to have this tomato hornworm eating our plants and fruit. Still it is quite an impressively large creature. I actually like the details, like little false eyes dotting its body. Destructive, yes, but interesting too.
We are planning a day hike up in the high country this coming week (the above photo is a satellite image of where we're headed!). Hope to see these beautiful lakes and granite peaks that the Sierra mountains are known for. Packing a lunch and taking the camera. Wish us luck! And thank you for stopping by and staying in touch.

Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Week Later
Okay, so I haven't been to a neurologist yet, despite my doctor's referral. It took three days for contact, and I had to initiate it. They said, "Our first opening is October 12th." Well okay, I sure hope I don't die before then. The person on the other end of the line said, "I hear that often."
The emergency of pain is over. My head stopped pulsating and throbbing like a twitching atom bomb about to ignite. That's the good part. The neck x-rays showed "serious and significant" changes in C5-C6-C7. My doctor said, "I can't rule out cord involvement." Holy shit, said I. My neck has been bothering me for 40 years, since a car accident and whiplash in 1971. We tend to dismiss this stuff, and here it is all these years later kicking some serious ass. My doctor referred me for rehabilitation (I could use that on so many levels. LOL!). She said, "They can do everything short of surgery." I was very happy when they called. Their first opening is September 12th. Well, okay then, sure hope I don't have a repeat headache that feels like the back of my head is going to open and a movie monster pops out before then. Well, really, I didn't say that, but I thought it.
In the meantime, I'm really feeling okay. My neck is funky, but I'm back to living my life the way I always do. You know... we go out for our long walks along the irrigation ditch. Just the other day we saw a bird splashing in the water, quite a distance away. I wondered, "What is that bird? A female mallard? A water bird I haven't seen before?" So I took a few photos, as it clambered up on the bank.
Turned out to be a juvenile Cooper's Hawk that had just been taking a bath. Oh hello!
The emergency of pain is over. My head stopped pulsating and throbbing like a twitching atom bomb about to ignite. That's the good part. The neck x-rays showed "serious and significant" changes in C5-C6-C7. My doctor said, "I can't rule out cord involvement." Holy shit, said I. My neck has been bothering me for 40 years, since a car accident and whiplash in 1971. We tend to dismiss this stuff, and here it is all these years later kicking some serious ass. My doctor referred me for rehabilitation (I could use that on so many levels. LOL!). She said, "They can do everything short of surgery." I was very happy when they called. Their first opening is September 12th. Well, okay then, sure hope I don't have a repeat headache that feels like the back of my head is going to open and a movie monster pops out before then. Well, really, I didn't say that, but I thought it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Wednesday's Whine: Why I Don't Like Hospitals

Health matters are a very bizarre detour from the routines of regular life. I don't really like them. And look what they did to my arm!!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Froggy Froggy Birthday

But in the meantime, here's a photo of the little froggy I found in the greenhouse Tuesday morning. I went out early to water the last few tomatoes and basil we still have in six-packs, when something very froggy moved away from the water. It's been hanging out in the six--pack all day. If it stays one more day, we'll have to name him!
Happy birthday, Roger.
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