Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Countdown Day 13: Flyer Mergansers

...over the muddy Rollins Reservoir one day last month.

I saw an EB White quote on a friend's blog just the other day. It reminded me of everyday when we awaken: "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. That makes it hard to plan the day."

Did I mention that I'm going to try and post a photo every day during Roger's last chemotherapy cycle? It's a celebration of joy and beauty all at once!


  1. what a great quote, and certainly something than I consider upon waking.

    THe birds' feathers are almost iridescent....very cool image. And good on you for you photo/chemo project!! I'm looking forward to it!

  2. Wonderful image. I'm keepin my fingers crossed for Roger.

  3. There's a whole lot of saving and savoring going on!

    (And what a great idea! We won't be able to resist dropping by daily to see what beauty you have to share with us. And while we're here we can send more love through the intertubes to you.)

  4. Beautiful photo.

  5. Savoring every image and every moment... love to you both.

  6. Word verification: nowness

    Being present and looking forward with you two. Love the idea of the photo series!

  7. Nice shot. I just tried to catch swans in flight--it is hard.
    I adore that quote.
    I'm counting with you.

  8. Wonderful quote! I'm looking forward to your photos.Good luck, Roger.

  9. love your celebration with photos - gives us all a big treat!

  10. I like that photo and the quote. A photo a day counting down is a good project for you and your readers.

  11. Been thinking of you two often. My time has come Roger---two weeks of crisis. ER visits and unbelievable pain. They are testing PSA now for cancer. Hold a thought for healing, you are my inspiration for strength and a positive view. peace, m
